OGDCL Joins UN Global Compact to Promote Sustainable Development

OGDCL Joins UN Global Compact to Promote Sustainable Development

Pakistan’s leading oil and gas exploration company, Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), announced Wednesday that it has officially joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, to promote sustainable development.

By becoming a member of the UNGC, OGDCL aligns itself with a global network of more than 17,000 companies and 4,000 non-business participants committed to sustainable development and ethical corporate governance. The company has pledged to incorporate the UNGC’s ten principles into its strategic and operational frameworks, focusing on human rights, fair labor practices, environmental stewardship, and anti-corruption measures.

As part of this initiative, OGDCL will collaborate with companies and organizations worldwide, sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices to enhance its corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability efforts. The move underscores OGDCL’s commitment to integrating sustainability into its operations and making a positive impact on the communities and ecosystems it serves.

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